TrumpCare, Fifty Shades of Green, Ideas for the Economy, and More

May 5, 2017

The Roosevelt Rundown is an email series featuring the Roosevelt Institute’s top 5 stories of the week.

1. GOP House Vote Will Hurt Millions

Roosevelt Fellow Andrea Flynn writes how the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which passed the U.S. House of Representatives with only Republican votes, rewards the wealthiest Americans with tax cuts while robbing more than 20 million Americans of health coverage. And in a statement to the New York Times, Roosevelt’s VP of Research and Policy Nell Abernathy argues that while the Affordable Care Act is not perfect, it is a step in the right direction and helps millions of people.

2. A Hundred Days of Failure

As featured in Bill Moyers, Roosevelt Senior Fellow Thomas Ferguson, Jie Chen, and Paul Jorgensen identify clear links between political spending and congressional voting in our new report, “Fifty Shades of Green.”

3. 10 Ideas for the Economy

The Roosevelt network rolls out their second week of this year’s top student-generated policy ideas from across the nation with a selection of proposals for economic policy, including protecting Detroit’s taxpayers, expanding opportunities for student entrepreneurs, and tackling food insecurity.

4. Bridging the Divide

As universities trim their budgets and student fees increase, who is reaping the benefits? Senior Program Associate Aman Banerji and Roosevelter Sarah Manney explain how college presidents are taking from students and being paid like Fortune 500 CEOs.

5. The Missing Element in the Jobs Debate

Roosevelt Fellow Todd Tucker delivers remarks at a congressional panel on why we must ensure that a new deal for the global economy is not merely tolerated by working Americans, but actively embraced and defended by them.

What We’re Reading:

Writing for Vox, Jeff Stein looks at this week’s House Republican push on the Financial Choice Act. While the AHCA got all the attention, this bill would do more to deregulate the banking industry than any single piece of legislation in a generation.


On May 11, join a panel of authors and historians at the Roosevelt House at Hunter College in New York City as they celebrate the launch of New Deal NYC’s pocket map and guide, which show the New Deal’s impact in New York City. A reception will follow the panel. Click here for more info.